Patient Rights

As a patient of University of Missouri Health Care, you have certain rights, and understanding your rights will help you get the best possible care.

We make every effort to:

  • Allow you to express a concern or complaint and receive a prompt response. You also have the right to file a formal grievance if you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint.
  • Clearly explain all hospital rules and regulations.
  • Give you the opportunity to examine and receive an explanation of your bill regardless of source of payment.
  • Inform you that we are a teaching hospital and you have the right to refuse treatment from a health care student, intern or resident. You can request a consultation with another provider at any time.
  • Involve you in discharge planning and inform your physician of any health care requirements when you return home.
  • Keep all communications and records about your care confidential. In general, you have the right to see all the information in your health records.
  • Provide all the information you need to make an informed decision about your care, including information about your options, risks and benefits, possible outcomes, possible side effects and who is providing your care and costs.
  • Provide clearly written and spoken information in words you can understand.
  • Provide effective relief from pain and respect your right to refuse pain control.
  • Provide you with all available information about possible research participation and obtain your informed consent.
  • Provide you with freedom from restraints and seclusion of any form that is not medically necessary.
  • Respect your advance directives (living will or durable power of attorney for health care), which express your wishes about resuscitation and other end-of-life decisions.
  • Respect your decision to refuse care and allow you to leave the hospital even if your physician advises against it.
  • Treat you with consideration and respect in a safe setting free from all forms of abuse and harassment. Your privacy is respected.

Patient responsibilities

Patients and visitors have responsibilities. We ask that you make every effort to:

  • Alert your health care provider if you have concerns or feel your rights have not been properly respected.
  • Ask us for clear explanations and make informed decisions about your care and treatment.
  • Consider the rights of others and treat them with respect.
  • Follow all hospital rules.
  • Follow the recommended treatment plan and keep your follow-up appointments or notify us when unable to do so.
  • Inform care providers of your level of pain and the effectiveness of provided treatment.
  • Know what medications you are taking, why you are taking them and the proper way to take them according to your doctor’s orders.
  • Pay bills promptly and contact us if you have any questions or financial problems.
  • Provide us with your advance directive information.
  • Relate full information about your health, medical history and insurance.

If you have a concern or question, you may tell any staff member and expect immediate help. It is your right to express a concern or a complaint and receive a quick response. Furthermore, all communications are guaranteed to be handled in a confidential manner. No adverse reaction will occur because of any comments you make. We value your opinion and use all comments, both positive and negative, to improve our services.

You may contact the Office of Patient Experience at 573-882-1053 for help. If you would prefer to put your comment in writing, you may use one of the comment forms located throughout the hospital or send a letter, email or fax.

Send your comment to:

Office of Patient Experience DC039.00
University Hospital
One Hospital Drive
Columbia, MO 65212


Patient Safety Network

University Hospital allows you to submit comments via the Internet. The Patient Safety Net provides rapid response to customer comments and can be accessed through our website. Your comment is immediately forwarded to the appropriate personnel for their attention and response.

Visit the Patient Safety Network.

Patient rights in American Sign Language